MPCUG Membership Benefits
24 hours/day Internet Access for Web Content, Internet e-mail, bulletins, and file transfers.
- Internet IP Address for Telnet/HTTP/FTP/Pop3 Mail:
- E-mail may also be handled via any standard Internet POP3/SMTP Mail Package.
- File transfers may be accessed via Web, FTP, or Telnet.
Group Meetings
General Meetings are held at the Bolz Auditorium, 124 South Brooks Street, Madison, Wisconsin. Meeting topics range from technical presentations by the leading software and hardware producers to how-to presentations by expert users. Question-and-Answer sessions are available. Facilities offer all the amenities for terrific learning experiences.
Special Interest Groups (SIG) Meetings details available under the SIG link from the main page. Many SIGS are available, and if interest is expressed, new ones can be added. All SIGs that meet before the general meeting are at that location. Current SIG offerings include various productivity software interests, hardware interests, networking, operating systems. Concerns of New Users and Seniors are addressed.
The Bits & PC's MPCUG Newsletter
The award-winning news magazine may be downloaded by all members, as available, and includes software reviews, meeting details, important announcements, and technical information presentations. It is in PDF format and requires Adobe Accrobat Reader, which is a free download from either this site, Adobe's site, or many others. Access past newsletters by logging in and going to the MPCUG directory (#13) of the files section.
Gifts and Goodies and the Intangibles
Members have chances to win great hardware and software give-aways at General Meetings. There are often opportunities for members to receive significant purchase discounts from major vendors. Members rub shoulders with the best talent in the PC industry. They receive the latest technical information right from the best sources. MPCUG is a great place to learn, to grow, and to share knowledge!
© Madison PC Users Group Online, 2002